The suffering of the world is spoken of in terms of wars, starvation, hatred, competition, and the struggle of the survival of the fittest. Yet all the suffering of the world originates in the human heart. Every crime committed, every act of oppression, every callous cruelty, and every injustice to the self or others emanates from the hearts of men. However, for every wrong wrought by the human heart, a thousand acts of mercy have issued forth: every mother’s love, every child’s forgiveness, every teacher’s care, and every father’s concern for the well-being of his progeny–all have their source in the core of the human being, the human heart. If we are to right the world, we must first rectify our hearts, and this is why every revelation has been granted to humanity in order to make firm our hearts. Before you is a text that gives practical means and methods of transformation. Learn them, and use them, and then pass them on.
- ISBN: 9780985565909
- By: Hamza Yusuf
- Translation and Commentary: Imam al-Mawlud's Matharat al-Qulub
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 220
- Language: English
- Publisher: Sandala
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